Assalamualaikum! Hai readers, thank you for spending your time here.
Okey as you can see from the headline this post was intentionally for those who has just broken up with his/her kesayangan but hey untuk yang single pun boleh baca okey.
This post was actually not the best method I would say but actually the normal way to handle breakup and move on from your past with flying colours (Yay!). Though this post was actually based on my readings, sharing stories and my experience (Huhu). Lets begin!
1) Emotional breakdown is normal. Lepas dah breakup sangatlah normal untuk korang being so emotional. Tak ada selera nak makanlah, study pun susah, tak semangat,etc. And its okey actually cause we human are designed to have that feeling. If you feel sad, don't pretend that your happy. Coolly except that you are sad and hurt with this relationship. It actually heals you too because you acknowledge your own feelings instead of ignoring it. So nak nangis ke , teriak ke, please do cause it heals your heart. Cuma jangan terbawa- bawa sampai berminggu2 ,berbulan2. Dah lain cerita tu dik oi.
2)Okey after dah nangis, dah emotional, you are in the midst of remembering/forgetting him kan? Bila time dah lupakan dialah yang kita selalu teringatkan dia. This is because of our unconscious mind yang asyik dok ulang tayang gambaran dia dalam otak kita. The way to actually forgetting him is just to let the time goes by. You can't just forget the person in a day or two right? So instead of rushing and forcing yourself to forget him, accept the fact that this will takes time. Don't force yourself to forget him, instead go and find other alternative to forget your focus on him. Buatlah apa2 kerja/busykan diri dengan perkara lain yang buat u alih fokus daripada teringat pada dia. Avoid doing things that can make you easily remember him. Go find other alternative. ;)
3)Lepas you dah in the middle of forgetting him, avoid him on social media or any gathering. Bukan apa, your emotion is unstable now and needs to heal first. Jauhkan diri daripada si dia sampai korang dah rasa neutral. I cannot guarantee you how long it takes cause it depends on how you handle your emtion. For myself example, it took me for a year to being okey with everything (eventhough our relationship was actually last less than a year .lol) . And it took for me 2 years to being completely cool and ignorant to him (in a mean word, have no feelings at all) . I would say I wasn't strong enough when I first broke up since it was my first time and that I was having other personal problems too at that time. Itulah sebab the way to forget him completely is depends on you. You need to redha and at the same time berdoa yang everything will be alright. Don't worry cause God hears your prayer.
4) Find positive personality. I don't know about other girls, but for me, right after I settled down with my emotional breakdown..yada yada...I create a new positive personality in me. I don't know how it happen. I used to easily cried and emotional until one day, I thought my heart could have explode for crying too much.I said to myself to stop being cry-baby and promise no tears for a week. And it works and it progress to few months later! Now I can't remember when was the last time I cry (could probably when I'm watching K Drama) . I become happier , easy going, sometimes I laugh too much.. it was very different from the way I was before. I think it is vital for everyone to find positive in inner self when one has going through deep hole. It was like a self transformation and a gift to yourself after all the emotional hurdles that you been through.
I guess that just it. I hope anyone who is broken heart will find peace in ownself. It will takes time but believes me you'll get better after going through it. ;)