A blog about life, inspiration, quotes and mostly my random stuff .

Travel Tour Package


Saturday, 10 May 2014



I'm gonna make it a kiss (keep it simple and short) and insyaAllah bermanfaat.

I remember the first time i started pakai tudung. Masa tu Form 1, lepas baligh. First time pakai, i don't remember that feeling much, sebab dah lama. But I wear it because i know lepas baligh, memang wajib pakai tudung. My mom said to me and my sister did that, and guess maybe i pun kena follow. Dulu tak banyak sangat penekanan pasal hijab. What i know is that i have to wear it. I have to walaupun tak suka. Masa dulu-dulu bila baru nak masuk dunia remaja, i don't really take hijab seriously. I mean, i do wear tudung, but my other outfit does not covered me properly. I wear tudung, but not hijab. You get what i mean right. I feel like tudung is just a matter of covering your hair only. That's it. But I forgot about my 'other' part. I think that it is much revealing to show your body than to reveal your hair (but still you have to wear hijab okey darling :) )..

There are times when i feel jealous to see beautiful chicks showing off their flocks of hair because i know i can be that beautiful too ( PANG sikit muka. kbye) but then again, i restrict myself saying no, pakai tudung is much better. Keep it for your 'halal'.

There are times where hijab has been raise as a fashion statement. Banyak org bertudung ni keluarkan statement;

"Even bertudung pun boleh bergaya"

they came out with a lot of hijab style. Ada yang style loose,berbelit lah,berbalutlah.. whatever it is lah asalkan ada tudung.

and they call themselve "hijabista"

menipu sangatlah kalau aku tak terikut kalau dah siap tonton tutorial dekat you tube. Perempuan. memang suka nampak cantik.

I do wear loose style hijab back then. Bila jalan keluar dengan kawan rasa macam cool sebab "in-trend" (kasi calar tangan sikit). Then, tak puas lagi, lagi banyak style pulak yang nak cuba.

I'm not saying it is not good. It is good sebab you cover yourself. But,then where is your intention darling? Pakai sebab nak nampak hebat? I reflect back a lot until now.

Fashion is fun to follow, tapi lama-kelamaan boleh bagi hilang fokus. you sibuk nak tiru orang cantik pakai tudung whatsoever until you forgot what is the purpose of you wearing it.

You wear it because you are proud of being a muslim.
'i reflect it a lot until now' (kasi PANG kat muka bertalu-talu)

Nowadays we can see a lot of people pakai tudung,even selebriti. Tapi tak ramai yang masih lagi berhijab secara betul, yes i remind this to myself too.

Berhijab is when you cover your aurat. Tudung baru cover rambut. Aurat kena jaga sebab benda tu aib dan boleh bawa fitnah. Allah dah jaga aib kita tapi kita pula pergi buka pekung.

We see 'this and this' celebrity wears hijab and it looks beautiful and we start to follow them.
or maybe, someone said to you, you look beautiful in hijab.
Darling bring back the upmost intention. It's all because of Allah.

We all know, kita ni produk islam, show it. Be proud of it.
You don't go and wear hijab and said because my boyfriend ask me to wear it.

seriously -_- .

Bring back the upmost intention of wearing hijab. It's not because you want to look stylish or beautiful. It is because you know how to appreciate yourself and you know Allah loves you. And that Allah wants to protect you and see you in Jannah. That is why Allah ask you to wear hijab. All because of love. His love.

and i know i'm not perfect and sometimes seeing " geng budak tudung labuh " makes me feel really humble. All the time.

i need to remind myself a lot too yang perempuan yang tidak bertudung ni pun kadang2 lebih baik. Maybe pengharapan dia pada Allah lebih dalam berbanding kita atau boleh jadi, setiap saat dia keluar tidak menutup aurat, dia merasakan seperti jilatan api ,cuma dia perlukan sedikit semangat untuk berhijab. We never know. And that if you are one of it, pakailah. Simpy because Allah loves you. Appreciate His love okey darling. :)

Please don't go and say, tak sampai seru. Hidayah tak perlu seru, dia perlukan kefahaman. Kalau kita boleh pulun nak faham lagu Korea, maybe we can try to understand what is the reason for Allah asking us to cover our aurat?

and don't ever think that "ada je budak pakai tudung yang jahat". Nauzubillah. So better you tak payah pergi buat Haji sebab ada je org yg tunaikan haji yang tak dapat hidayah.

So, you shouldn't say that. Ever .

“Your body is sacred. You’re far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too.”

And bear in mind that.

"Hijab is not a fashion statement, but a religion statement. "

I strongly remind that what i wrote , please don't judge me. All this looking good coming from me because of my deen, not because of me dan sebab Allah tutup aib saya. and i'm still in learning process.


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