A blog about life, inspiration, quotes and mostly my random stuff .

Travel Tour Package


Tuesday, 23 December 2014



Hello earthlings. So I'm going to talk a little bit about me and my mama. 

So, I happen to call my mother, Mama. ada yang panggil ibu, ummi, mak,amma...mum..bla bla..whatever it is, but I'm sure this is the person that you call up to whenever you have problems kan?

Well, u see my mother is a full time housewife. She is the one who raise,teaches, bla bla..all the nilai murni yang kita belajar dalam komsas tu.

Well, I didn't really know how it supposed to be a fulltime housewife. Since I've read one of Maria Elena's entry : housewives,this is for you , I get to understand a little bit of being a full time housewive. Phew,baru baca sikit dah rasa memang berat, ni kan kalau kita sendiri berada dalam kasut Mama kita. 

no wonderlah my mum selalu marah kitaorang adik-beradik ni sebab well you know how stressed it  can be when you have to raise your kids (6 of them!) plus with all the mood swing happen and my father was always being outstation all the time. Sometimes my father will be away for months.. My mum was super awesome because she can barely be strong by her own self. Yeah, sometimes there is sure ups and down. I've seeing my Mum crying suddenly without no one comforting her (I was a kid that time, I was innocent okey.) . So i can sum up that she was incredibly strong to withstand it all by herself.

Sometimes, even now my Mum still extra-caring to us. She will scared if something bothering me. She can't stand seeing me crying.  

I have this one issue one being nervously distracted during exam weeks. I scared I couldn't do well in my test that it overwhelms me. So I will talk through the phone with my Mum about this and I always end up breaking into tears. Then, my Mum wish to be there by my side support me ...but couldn't because tak ada transport and we are far apart ;'( 

Only then I realize how I have take granted on my Mum many time. 
She is the one who cooks, wash , tidying up, listen to our story...I mean everything. She is more than a superman,ironman,the hulk,Captain America, Cicak Man....bla bla bla. 

I wish I can be strong like her, I wish.
Even until now, I still seeing her wakes up at 3 to perform Tahajjud. Maybe that is how she get her strength. Her life is fully to deserve for her kids (that is me and my siblings) .

While everyone is busy working to get recognitions, she puts aside all the worldly desires to raise her child. 

This entry is made to remind me that I should be grateful for having Mama by my side. I should treat my mum better since I'm not good at it (bad Dayang, bad) and you should do it too.

And Thank You Allah for giving us "Mama" as a gift. 


Saturday, 20 December 2014

Allah cares.


Im going to share one of my favourite videos of Nouman Ali Khan. I always watch this video whenever i feel like to give up and feel lost. May Allah benefits. :) 

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Less is better

Assalamualaikum peeps.

Its almost at the end of the year.. should I say yay or nay? Haha. I was about to tell a story.

I bet semua orang mesti ada lebih dari 3 laman sosial. I dunno whether whats app tu dikira laman sosial atau tak. Tak kisahlah kan. Korang mesti at least ada Wassaap, Facebook or maybe Instagram.

Well masa saya pakai handphone nokia (baling dari klcc pun tak rosak2), I thought I'm having the real time of my life. Tak sibuk dengan laman2 sosial ni. Tapi tengok kawan-kawan pakai hp android, slide ke kanan, slide ke kiri, I is jealous. Nak sedapkan hati kalau everytime diaorg check phone ,mesti cakap 'tak ada life' .  Muehehe.

But when I first had my android phone, haa kau.. smua benda kau nak. That time, I had the must-have apps like wassap,instagram,twitter..fb. 

Then latter on, I caught up with the technology. It has somehow become addictive to me. Especially Instagram. Oh my I couldn't believe I can spend hours just browsing on clothes. (Bad Dayang, very bad) . 

Then it goes to twitter. I had the tendency to tweet everyday. To be precise, everytime. 

Lets say haritu lecturer you pakai baju kotak-kotak. Then immediately grab the phone and tweet pasal benda tu. When I think back again,  'seriously Dayang,get a life'.

Well then I try to install We Chat. I tak tahulah but it seems fun. Fortunately I don't know how to use it. I don't even know how to add friends or whatsoever. Luckily jugaklah tak tahu walaupun rasa agak noob or I'll be addicted to it.

Then, well you know I was feeling ups and down at one moment and feel exhausted with this virtual world. So I end up having facebook and Instagram only. 

I started to deactivate twitter because I don't want to expose much (because I tweet too much) and u know how people can get into fight just with unmention-kind-of-things. Some may say, boleh je jadikan ke arah kebaikan. Yes, I don't deny it but it seems lacking in many ways. Its a good medium but not a proper one. Plus, I hate it when people judge us by the way we tweet. I don't want to judge people unfairly and vice versa. I have stop using it for months and Alhamdulillah I feel ease. Ignorance is bliss :) . 

I also have the tendency to deactivate my facebook. I don't even know why I still have it. The solely reason for me to stay in facebook because of the group I was assigned. Tau2lah kan.. kalau ada groupwork nak hantar, mesti pakai fb kan. And also some of my friend ada facebook je, instagram tarak. So to update with their life, I somehow still needs fb to keep in touch. Boleh gitu..

But I love Instagram. I don't really upload much of that photos but since I follow great people I feel I was close with them. Ouh, saya dah buang tabiat online shopping/browsing clothes/browsing people's photos since its not good for me. I do unfollow people/celebrities that I feel like ermm...didn't catters with my life.

I wan't to be less active in virtual world and focus on my real life. There are many great things happen when I stay away from this virtual world. Many real things that I can work on it.

But I still love blogging at the top of my heart. 

Thanks for reading my thoughts.Much love. Assalamualaikum. :)

Thursday, 4 December 2014

My favourite thing


So, saya baru habis baca entry daripada blogger feveret saya; Maria Elena who talks about her least favourite chore. Everybody has it right? Kerja rumah yang paling korang tak suka nak buat. Even cinderella pun ada satu. So do I. But I'm going to mention on what I love to do instead of what I hate to do.

Saya sebenarnya suka mengemas. Im not that neat,perfectionist person...tengok sedikit habuk dekat jam loceng dah rasa tension sampai nak terjun dari tingkat bawah. No, I'm just a messy-maker who loves to tidying up things. Haa anak baik tak? Muehehe. Okey,stop it.

Saya jenis suka letak barang merata-rata. Kalau nak cakap level kerakusan tu, I would say I'm at level 5 over 10. Not bad laa kan ;P . Biaselah kalau dah balik bilik tu, kat situlah saya letak tudung, cardigan, beg dan buku. Ada sesetengah orang (a discipline person) , bila balik bilik.. zup zap siap gantung baju, tudung dalam almari, letak buku dalam laci.. Tabik spring laa..

But I don't really take much of my habit, because at the end i will gladly tidying it up again.

Usually masa tidurlah nak kemas segala 'periuk belanga'. Yelah kalau dah semua barang atas katil, macam mana nak tidur?  -.-

Actually,there is one chore which I love to do. I would say any chores that involves clothes.. tak kisahlah lipat, gosok, jahit, basuh baju.. I like it... except sidai baju. Ergh, tak suka.
I used to paid 50 cents to my little brother to hang the clothes. I bet some of you pun tak suka kan sidai baju ni.

Maybe sebab leceh laa, nak keluar kena pakai tudung dan baju lengan panjang.. etc.
Lepas dah habis sidai baju kena buka balik tudung dan tukar baju semua..ergh.

I enjoy ironing clothes. I could spend an hour to iron all my clothes and shawl. I would say ironing is one of my hobby. Boleh tak camtu.. muehehe..

Yelah masa dulu2 asyik kena train gosok baju sekolah adik, baju ayah dan baju sendiri lagi. Kalau mama ada event, haa lagilah kena gosok banyak baju. 

Yes, event dia satu je tapi mama selalu suruh gosok sampai 3,4 helai baju sebab tak tahu nak pakai baju yang mana satu. Muehehe. 

I'm not a neat a person exactly but I do love tidying up things. Usually once a week will be my tidying-up day. Masa tu macam ada 'Roh mengemas' merasuk dalam diri . Lepas dirasuk, tak tahulah dari mana datang semangat untuk mengemas satu bilik. 

I will keep on tidying up because I'm not a neat person that puts on thing to its place all the time.

Tapi kalau dekat rumah, semangat nak mengemas tak sehebat macam dekat Universiti. Kadang-kadang sampai kena marah, baru nak kemas. Maybe sebab ada parents yang pengemas orangnya. Not very nice yea Dayang to take things for granted (pukul tangan sendiri) .

Tulah bila datang Universiti tengok kawan buat sepah baru tahu rasa marah.. Now I know how it feels when my parents saw me making mess around the house.

Semua orang ada kelebihan dan kelemahan kan. I saw this, significantly between me and my older sister. My sister is very good in cooking but not good in tidying. For me, vice versa.
Alaaa, tengah belajar memasaklah sekarang (yelah tuu). 

Thats all for my random stuff today. Oh I have things to do right now, tapi sempat lagi kan nak menulis. :P

Thanks for reading, so what would be your favourite chore(s)?