Assalamualaikum peeps.
Its almost at the end of the year.. should I say yay or nay? Haha. I was about to tell a story.
I bet semua orang mesti ada lebih dari 3 laman sosial. I dunno whether whats app tu dikira laman sosial atau tak. Tak kisahlah kan. Korang mesti at least ada Wassaap, Facebook or maybe Instagram.
Well masa saya pakai handphone nokia (baling dari klcc pun tak rosak2), I thought I'm having the real time of my life. Tak sibuk dengan laman2 sosial ni. Tapi tengok kawan-kawan pakai hp android, slide ke kanan, slide ke kiri, I is jealous. Nak sedapkan hati kalau everytime diaorg check phone ,mesti cakap 'tak ada life' . Muehehe.
But when I first had my android phone, haa kau.. smua benda kau nak. That time, I had the must-have apps like wassap,instagram,twitter..fb.
Then latter on, I caught up with the technology. It has somehow become addictive to me. Especially Instagram. Oh my I couldn't believe I can spend hours just browsing on clothes. (Bad Dayang, very bad) .
Then it goes to twitter. I had the tendency to tweet everyday. To be precise, everytime.
Lets say haritu lecturer you pakai baju kotak-kotak. Then immediately grab the phone and tweet pasal benda tu. When I think back again, 'seriously Dayang,get a life'.
Well then I try to install We Chat. I tak tahulah but it seems fun. Fortunately I don't know how to use it. I don't even know how to add friends or whatsoever. Luckily jugaklah tak tahu walaupun rasa agak noob or I'll be addicted to it.
Then, well you know I was feeling ups and down at one moment and feel exhausted with this virtual world. So I end up having facebook and Instagram only.
I started to deactivate twitter because I don't want to expose much (because I tweet too much) and u know how people can get into fight just with unmention-kind-of-things. Some may say, boleh je jadikan ke arah kebaikan. Yes, I don't deny it but it seems lacking in many ways. Its a good medium but not a proper one. Plus, I hate it when people judge us by the way we tweet. I don't want to judge people unfairly and vice versa. I have stop using it for months and Alhamdulillah I feel ease. Ignorance is bliss :) .
I also have the tendency to deactivate my facebook. I don't even know why I still have it. The solely reason for me to stay in facebook because of the group I was assigned. Tau2lah kan.. kalau ada groupwork nak hantar, mesti pakai fb kan. And also some of my friend ada facebook je, instagram tarak. So to update with their life, I somehow still needs fb to keep in touch. Boleh gitu..
But I love Instagram. I don't really upload much of that photos but since I follow great people I feel I was close with them. Ouh, saya dah buang tabiat online shopping/browsing clothes/browsing people's photos since its not good for me. I do unfollow people/celebrities that I feel like ermm...didn't catters with my life.
I wan't to be less active in virtual world and focus on my real life. There are many great things happen when I stay away from this virtual world. Many real things that I can work on it.
But I still love blogging at the top of my heart.
Thanks for reading my thoughts.Much love. Assalamualaikum. :)
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