A blog about life, inspiration, quotes and mostly my random stuff .

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Friday, 5 June 2015

Fashion Tips for Muslimah #1

Assalamualaikum :)

Its been quite a while for me to update my post kan. Rindu tak? Ecece .. (syok sendiri)

Alright. Harini first time saya nak bagi tips fashion. Hewhew. But first of all I want to make it clear that Im not a hijabista whatnot a fashionista. Im just an ordinary girl who love to wear skirts and dresses more than pants. That's all. :)

*Dahtu pasaipa hang nak bagi tips berfashion?

Pasai ni blog aku. :) 

Okey2. Untuk pendekkan cerita, before further due, let me remind to all of you nak berpakaian (for Muslims) ada kod dia ye. I wrote it on my last post :  first struggle Allah make ease .

1) Less is more. 

Yes. For me Less is more. Don't go overboard by wearing too many outfit. Cukuplah pakai (sweater + skirt ) or ( 2 outfit + skirt) . If your skirt dah ada ropol2 macam tutu skirt, minimize it for your top.  Don't wear it together with top yang ada renda2. Definitely wrong dress code. Stick with the saying "less is more". 

2) Mix and Match

It's important to play mix and match correctly. Wear something that match perfectly with your skirt. You can go for colour blocking but I don't really know how to do it. I just play safe by mix and match it with earth color. You know, macam warna kelabu, hitam, coklat. Neon color is a no-no for me but depends on you guys. Its okey kalau nak pakai , no harm. Asalkan cukup tutup aurat. These are a few tips for mix and match that I found on the website. Enjoy :) 

For feminine look.

Black and bold

Classy and casual 

Chic Style

Cantik sangat kan? Okey its up to you nak beli skirt colour apa atau yang mcm mana. But I suggest you to buy basic colour skirt. Like black, dark blue or grey. Untuk nak keluar atau hangout dengan kawan , pastel skirt suits. So basically you need to have 2 types of colour. One is basic and another one is pastel. Again, its up to you nak color apa. This are just my suggestions.

3) Best to wear with.

As you can see from "mix and match" that these two things are great partner to wear with skirt. 

  a) Blouse/ Sweater 
  b) 2 outfit wear 

Nak pergi kuliah ke atau nak nampak casual boleh pakai blouse atau sweater dengan skirt. For me, I love to wear men's sweater. Longgar dan cantik jugak sebenarnya. Dekat Uniqlo, H&M , Topshop/Topman ada banyak sweater lelaki yang sesuai untuk perempuan juga. 

sweater + skirt = casual look 

Shea Rasol style

(2 outfit + skirt) like Sania Siddiqui Style

Or do it like Fitri Aulia Style


Actually it doesn't really matter how you want to wear your outfit . Nak pakai dengan baju Tshirt "Milo" pun boleh sebenarnya. Muehehe. But this is very important to note down bila memakai skirt atau dress 

  a) Wear petticoat atau org melayu panggil "kain dalam" . Sometimes , pakaian atas bawah semua       dah cantik tapi bila pakai rupa2nya nampak bayang kaki. So, kenalah pakai inner wear sebagai alas     untuk tutup bayang kaki tu yea. Baru sempurna cara pemakaian. 

Nilah petticoat / kain dalam 

   b) Wear socks

   Bila dah pakai skirt/ dress mestilah asyik flip sana sini kan. Secara sengaja (nauzubillah) atau tak        sengaja ternampak kaki dan betis kita. So tak maulah macam tu. Dah nama Muslimah mesti kena        tutp     aurat dengan betul termasuk area kaki. So jangan lupa pakai socks tau. Lepas ni nak flip            skirt tu sana    sini pun boleh . :) 

Socks jangan lupa pakai. :) 

Thanks for reading. Assalamualaikum. :)

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